Thursday, February 3, 2011

Head in the clouds!!

Anything I lay my hands on either breaks or disappears;
With lost and found glories I have survived all these years.
Most promises made are not just broken but forgotten;
Many like me with this blog I wish to enlighten.

Ever since I can remember I have spent most of my time searching for things that had disappeared into oblivion. I attributed such occurrences to black magic and sometimes even Alzimers until ,I bumped into zillions of tips on how to tackle absent mindedness !!

The most fascinating of all was this website for distracted people .

Being distracted is human and it is good to be human!! ; )

 A few tips to avoid adversity…
  1. Simplify your life. "Don't be overwhelmed by too many things at once, and take tasks one at a time,"
  2. Get proper rest and nutrition so you are in a well-rested frame of mind.
  3. Keep to a schedule. "People who stick to a schedule are less absentminded than people who don't,"
  4. Get plenty of exercise, both physical and mental. "Challenge the brain in new and creative ways throughout life,"
  5. Keep items that you use every day in the same place all the time. "Find a place in your house and consistently put your keys or your eyeglasses there, like on the mantle or on the table by the door,"
  6. Make effective use of cues and reminders, like sticky notes or a calendar. "Most absentminded errors can be overcome by having access to reminders,"
As annoying as absentmindedness can be ,it saves us from remembering all of life’s dull moments as well as setting us free to think in abstract terms. : )


  1. God knows were did my earlier comment go! :|

    Miss ya you so much!! Wish you were around...esp now when am all you know preggy n stuff....need a lot of TLC at times...and Danny is no frigging good :'((

  2. Not good....BAD...VERY VERY VERY BAD...he just ignores me these days!!!
