Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hip Hop Non Stop...

Hip Hop while you read..for my rhyme to not sound cheesy!!

With some money in my pocket,
I took the space rocket…
For a dollar ..I had no change
Shelled out 5 times ..with no E-X-C-H-A-N-G-E
YO  hip hop..It began Y-E-S-T-E-R-DAY.
Can’t wait no more for next Monday..

I took my first hip hop lesson yesterday...and the public transport for the first time in this country!!

Two lessons learned,

1 ) Always carry with you exact change 10 coins-3quarters,1 dime,2nickel and 4 pennies. With this combination you can produce any number between 1-99 cent and won’t end up paying 5 times the cost like I did!

2) Hip hop is the next best thing in the world after cheese!!!

I wanna hip hop non stop ..without full stop!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. ...a hip hop the hippie the hippy to the hip hip hop, a you don’t stop!

  3. Ayyo Maami... This is "SUPERRR"
